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14.04.2005, 08:47
Hello. Help or assist advice or council, please. Very badly myself I feel: joints hurt, appetite, weariness was gone, arms or hand how at a toper at last stage, brushes of arms or hand have strongly reddened (can be, from nerves very strongly shiver?) . I live in the USA in city San Francisco where the HIV walks as wants. One and a half month ago there was an oral sex; as it has then appeared, it was the transvestite. When about it or this has learned or has found out, at once has interrupted the certificate or act (I was under action of alcohol). Two weeks ago there was a dangerous contact to the prostitute, used a condom, but as features me has pushed, to make to her kunnilingus as there was an oral sex without a condom which longly was not prolonged. For 4 day has noticed a hypodermic eruption without an itch, mainly on arms or hand and legs or foots. Here then for me the hell has begun. For 7 day has noticed insignificant pokalovanie in district hardly below a stomach from the right party or side and small deformation of a body from the right party or side of a stomach, and in district of a belly-button at an inspiration. Did not eat anything 3 days, only smoked, under mouses I feel inconveniences, but to grope anything suspicious the sensation that reduces a neck does not go right, now, is dark in opinion of and does not pass or take place a joint pain. For 8 day has run to hand over a blood on a HIV, has been very frightened or scared, with me any worker of hospital has spent conversation, has allocated or removed me in a room. Has told or said, that analyses will be ready only in 5-6 days, I have not begun to cry nearly from this answer. Then he has told or said, that I have called to him in 2 days. Two days I have not waited, and have called to him next day toward the end the working day. T is after day of delivery of a blood before I have called to him, have passed or have taken place 30 hours. He has told or said, that 2 tests negative (thanks God) and that I came on zaplanirovanuju before an occurring, to take away the results (in a week). Respond me, please, I here one and to share to me there is nobody, at me -very big stress. Has almost lost 2 jobs. In general, I shall sum up very important questions for me: 1) whether Could this psychologist or the doctor (I do not know who he was) to tell or say to me a lie that I have calmed down and has lived up to results of the test or dough without such excitements (probably, what they were not yet ready)? 2) Why at me at a sigh the right party or side of a stomach or belly (whether can mean it, what has swelled up a liver, in fact any pain at me was, now the pain was gone, there was only a tumour) increases or is enlarged? 3) And whether it is possible or probable, that signs of a HIV have started to get out in a week after dangerous contact if to take that in attention, that at me after that transfestita the herpes on a labium have got out. And more there are signs of a clamidiosis (only do not speak, plz, that signs of a HIV are not present, simply tell or say, it is possible or probable or not). To take away the test I go in 2 days, very much I am afraid, that he has told lies to me, has completely studied or investigated your site about SPIDofobiju, I hope, that I worry on naprasnu. Excuse for such long letter. In advance many thanks.

15.04.2005, 08:44
There is no you is healthy and at you spidofobija!!!

And the liver can will increase even from alcohol or from fat! nevolnujsja at you all vporjadke!

11.05.2005, 01:37
It again I, today have taken away analyses (the doctor has not deceived) negatively everything, But has begun that that not clear with mnoi to be created, eyes began to redden as at the vampire as though povyshenoe pressure, temperature in the mornings 36.6 in the extremity or end of the working day nearby 37.2, before flew as to lay down to sleep 36.8 .nachali to ache a bit myzhtsy on legs or foots and arms or hand. After has taken away the analysis has decided to note result having bought or purchased pair bottles of whisky. For the morning has swelled up a throat (I only here not poimu why whether from mine hranicheskogo tanzelita whether from the Infection not dai the god certainly), pains kakoi at a swallowing was not also a tumour has almost passed or has almost taken place, but all eshe not up to the extremity or end. PEOPLE HELP or ASSIST me RESPOND WHO NIBUD to me, WHETHER there CAN be SUCH SIGNS AT a HIV if contact was 2 weeks ago. To me neskem to share with it or this except for you. AS at me swelled up a little lemfuzly, one on a neck and two submandibular (I hope what is it because of tanzelita).

As I recollect about it, throws in fever and holodnyi sweat on a forehead .poka HELPS or ASSISTS ONLY the BOOZE I AT ONCE I FORGET ABOUT VSE.CHto to do or make I do not know further, and can ktonibud knows as to translate or transfer on angliiskii PTSR the test.

17.05.2005, 07:52
PCR - Polymeraze Chain Reaction

Only here it is not clear as these are two days at you at two o'clock has gone in?

Holmanov Victor
04.06.2005, 11:00
a what is it the letter was adresova but on drugoi sait, I it or him have simply copied also all

05.06.2005, 02:29
I do not understand people that with mnoi a body temperature in the afternoon 37.2, in the morning 36.6 before a dream 36.9 if I shall have a drink pivka that at once falls up to 36.4, the panic CAN indeed spidofilija in ostroi to the form, at me..... The TEMPERATURE at vich infections keeps at one level? Or too can jump?

05.06.2005, 07:25

I look, is cheerful there at you in San Francisco. I saw your history on AIDS ru, there the answering machine responds to questions. And here on a site the formed people who can respond you quite competently sometimes come, and also there are people who have passed or have taken place through IT. In your history there are some interesting moments. First, according to statistics (and statistics - a thing relentless), risk at oral sex, cleanly theoretical since in a saliva the virus is absent or there are its or his individual repetitions which are not capable to cause or call infection. As to me doctors in AIDS-center have told or said, it is necessary to spit litre three in the open wound. Exception is unless only presence of bleeding wounds in a mouth. If to not take in attention of this transvestite occurrence of an eruption for 4-th day after contact is very early term. Usually displays begin from 2 weeks about 3 months. At me, in particular, hypodermic maculae on palms have appeared in two months and till now sometimes vylazjat though has passed or has taken place 9 months. Spetsy to me spoke, that such displays unequivocally specify failure in job of a liver. Weeks through two occurrence of these maculae in me has still appeared pair tens disgusting signs, but in due course the most part has passed or has taken place them. Signs I in detail described all here in topics, since February or March. While under all analyses, by which I did or made (and I have made them for this time tuevu huchu) - all as to VICHa (thanks God) otr. But ahead in July still it is necessary poedka to Moscow and there inspection under the program.

11.06.2005, 06:12
If I have caught that I shall buy or purchase a pistol I shall remove or I shall take off this prostitute eshe time if naidu, I shall shoot it or her and, bolshe so I can not live in guesses, and it only guesses, and that happens when uznaesh ' result (not dai the god) that +...........

Natasha. Bos
15.06.2005, 13:36
Dear Vitaly

There can be my references will seem to you very rigid, but believe, I write them mskljuchitelno from desire to you to help or assist.

1. Stop messages that way of life. Which you conduct. Namely sharply reduce the use of alcohol and quantity or amount of chaotic sexual contacts.

2. As soon as you stop to abuse alcohol and to be engaged in sex with prostitutes and transvestites, at you, probably, to appear chance to get to the good doctor (better dermatovenerologu). Most likely it will be found prichinia signs which you have described, and it is quickly eliminated or erased;removed. If refusal of abusing alcohol is independently impossible - again to you can help or assist with the specialized narcological center. In it or this there is nothing shameful. Very much many American stars of cinema and a platform through it have passed or have taken place.

If you wish to leave the life as she is now anybody on any site and a forum will not help or assist you, and a life you the finish much earlier, than the people living from a HIV, but leading a normal way of life.


LANA subbotina
16.06.2005, 04:37
Thanks big for the answer, yes I have started usilino to thump, but only potamu that last 3 weeks my life prevratilas in a hell, I start to search simtomy vich and skazhdym I find them more in the afternoon and is fast poidu more shall hand over TSPR that precisely nobility but I do not know as because in amrike all on rules and to hand over on ptsr the direction of the doctor seichas chustvuju a diaphoresis is necessary, very much I experience..... Thanks all who has responded

16.06.2005, 14:27
vitaliy ne nervnichai, tebej vrach skazal vse v poryadke. kstati ya toje s san francisco

23.06.2005, 08:02
Me already all frightens in it or this the Dignity frantsistso

23.06.2005, 12:28
ne bespokoisya tij ne po castro brodish ishes sebe jertvu. ya na primer bous chto muj u menay ne proveryalsya i ot nego, ne v san francisco delo

The patient
26.06.2005, 05:54
And me, strangely enough, anything in sanfrantsisko does not frighten..

Prostitutes do not touch or tamper with, them across Moscow 50 tys go infitsyrovannyh, all you will not shoot down