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06.04.2005, 02:42

The woodpecker is equipped by a bill. A bill at a woodpecker state. He hollows. If a woodpecker not

Hollows, he sleeps or has died. H hollows the woodpecker cannot.

Because the bill always outweighs. When the woodpecker hollows, in a wood

It is distributed. If it is loud - that, means, a woodpecker good. If it is quiet-

Bad, unusable woodpecker.

The woodpecker can skip from a branch on a branch as dexterously, as the sailor with bramselja

On bushprit. Skilfully thrown woodpecker flies not less than 30 meters, is stuck on

The girdle also hangs two hours. Opinion at woodpeckers always negative.

The strong woodpecker can hollow for a two. A huge woodpecker (in the nature not

Meeting) can zadolbat the small elephant. Synchronous woodpeckers are found

Only in Australia also work as pairs or steams, parts, etc., down to a shelf.

Birthday of woodpeckers - Friday. Transferable or tolerable a woodpecker a dose - 250 detsibelov

Either 40 roentgens, or 150 volt, or 4 kicks.

In liter bank of a woodpecker to drown it is impossible. A Woodpecker- executed from

Ferro-concrete in scale 32:1, is the best monument to the father-in-law. 200

The woodpeckers, stuck together end-to-end in the form of the continuous panel, represent

Magnificent show.

The Spanish temple woodpecker is unique in the world a chewing bird, and it or him

samka, according to or agree poverju, it is capable to be put out from a hollow on three quarters.

The alive woodpecker differs from usual in temperature and working capacity.

Underground woodpeckers hollow in full darkness, blindly, on memory.

Their ancestors were the padded woodpeckers who have fallen in a well.

The separate kind of rabietic woodpeckers does not exist, however quantity or amount of those in

Any population - 77 %. A pink singing woodpecker, as well as its or his dancing

The version, meets basically in places of a clump


Almost all city woodpeckers - disposable, with plastic bills 9X12 and

Changeable geometry of a wing. An industrial pneumatic woodpecker till now

Causes disputes or spores among ornithologists. In particular, calls in question it or him

Ability to reproduction, though in Kuzbas so-called "otbojnye"

Woodpeckers sit in huge quantities or amounts on all trees and even use

Some civil rights alongside with speaking parrots. The basic

Nutrition of woodpeckers of all kinds is soaked sljunjami wood dolbanina.

Cases of an attack of woodpeckers on bags with Saccharum and fruit are described also

Pies. The friend the friend woodpeckers, as a rule, disdain. Cases of conflicts of woodpeckers

With people are rare, however in the Volga region it is necessary to be afraid temechkovogo of a woodpecker,

Which victims become the older persons neglecting panamkoj.

Rate of flight of such woodpecker - 340 meters a second, he is directed on

The solar patch of light, is not afraid of cries and always finishs business. Full

Contrast to him - the serene down woodpecker living, as a rule, in

Thrickets of lilies of the valley and forget-me-nots. He, in effect, is not a bird, as

Spends all life sitting, because of what its or his wings sroslis, having formed a coat,

And the bill has only the bottom half.

It is fed with a handout.

The expressed hierarchy among woodpeckers it is not observed, though a large woodpecker

Without ceremony can izdolbit fine. In case of external threat a colony of woodpeckers

Not studied or investigated while with image allocates from itself the chief (usually major) and

Defends under its or his management or manual. After reflection of threat such woodpecker

Becomes the pelican and leaves or abandons a colony.

Term of full maturing of a woodpecker in an egg - two weeks from the moment of impact about a floor

Hollows. The small woodpecker sits silently and guzzles everything, that to him submit.

The basic mistake or error of woodpeckers - vnutriduplovyj perekorm because of which perish

Many and not managed to get out outside young birds.

The manual woodpecker - the phenomenon so rare or infrequent, as well as foot because to tame

Woodpecker it is possible only three nowadays forgotten ancient words. A house woodpecker

It is stored or kept wrapped up or turned in soft portjanochnuju a matter and at care

Does not wake up.

In an antiquity in Russia woodpeckers served in princely baths as walking hangers for

Linen, pounded and kvashenye woodpeckers decorated any feast, and rare on

dvuhglavyj the woodpecker has served beauty the prototype of our present arms. And

The last. If on any carnival you will put on a woodpecker - for you wait

Glory, success and greater or big success in love.

12.05.2005, 08:57
I suggest to replace a word "woodpecker" with a word "FOB"...... So prikolnee it will turn out

17.06.2005, 10:19
Thanks, Tanja, I here like the non-staff clown and national tseljulitelja...... I Try

24.06.2005, 21:23
The racer, all jokes we joke? You are simple vozvrashchenets (chorus of mood) any)))