Просмотр полной версии : podsazhite

14.05.2005, 09:04
Whether to me 19 years I and my friend were engaged mutual mastrubatsiej and itself caressed now at the friend a phobia He experiences can smaska allocated at exaltation of one partner through arms or hand to get on a member of other partner. And whether it is possible or probable infections at such attitudes or relations and there can be an infection through greasing about which He spoke govorot that on genitals there can be microtraumas and microcracks if greasing was infitsir. It is possible I will catch unless through it or her really knew about a semen and a blood, genit. vydel at women.

HE has interested me this question and I have solved, that I learn or I find out all here itself. Also prompt where it is possible to take the information.

And more contact of a semen with sexual org. Was not but at hit on arms or hand as? On arms or hand always there are microcracks

In advance prshu pardon at those to that this letter will seem silly. All of success

18.05.2005, 13:01

19.05.2005, 17:31
Horror?! In what he consists. Prompt about what is better asked, that I could otshivat such silly voprsy

27.05.2005, 16:14
If on arms or hand were ranki, yes

08.06.2005, 19:34

Uspokoj svoego druga i sam uspokojsa. Vozmozhnos zarazhenija v takoj situatsii prakticheski ravna BOLSHOMU NULU!

kakie ranki, na hren, u nego chto krov hlestala iz chlena chto li?

1. virus v otkritom prostranstve dolgo ne zhivet.

2. contsentratsija virusa dozhna bit dostatochno visokaja chtobi zarazitsa.

A vot druguju veneru takim sposobom gorazdo legko podtsepit.

11.06.2005, 23:15
Thanks huge for the answer

The blood did not whip but he declares an attrition on a member. The idiot any. To him 22 and he is married and is afraid to bring to the wife a virus

12.06.2005, 16:12
Glory, at me blizkii the friend has overslept already probably with polovinoi Nju Iorkskih blue, and at it or him the HIV is not present, and to you at all about what to worry. Forget.

14.06.2005, 04:23
Esli on boitsa, to trogaj ego v sledujushij raz v rezinovih perchatkah.. a luchshe voobshe ne trogaj. Pust zhenu "lubit" luchshe.

17.06.2005, 00:35
You are right

18.06.2005, 10:32
Thanks for the answer .ja has got in not a pleasant situation

18.06.2005, 15:46
I and shall make

18.06.2005, 18:17

To catch so anybody from anybody could not.

Besides you can hand over the analysis and bring to him the information or inquiry, and at the same time and it or him on the analysis of a pursuit for the same reason that brains did not rinse or gargle.