Просмотр полной версии : HELP or ASSIST!!!

18.03.2005, 01:46
HELP or ASSIST ADVICE or COUNCIL, what is it can be?! Whether and signs on ostroi stages of a HIV?

3 weeks ago contact with zhenshinoi chei the status to me was not known, were protected, was oralnyi sex without a condom, both parties or sides were .5-6 months I am ill or sick kondidozom or a clamidiosis (itself I do not know) well there belyi scurf on genitals and plus besides saw, only 2 times, any transparent allocation.

Here 3 days there is a temperature 37.2, in the morning and in the evening normal as in the afternoon eyes very strongly hurt and there were red veins on all perrimetru an eye and in the afternoon veki very serious. Palms of steel as though in a speck, Throws in cold sweat whether from that that I recollect about vich roofing felts from temperature. Kordinalno position with a chair has exchanged, kalla is not present, ONE SLIME WHAT THAT sometimes green color (excuse did not know as on another to describe it)

Absolutely hardly hardly have swelled up a little lemf sites behind auricles (approximately with half of fingernail of a little finger) Weariness not like not chustvuju as I continue to work for 17 hours per day, days off is not present (I hope what is it all for weariness) sometimes, approximately 2 days in a week manage to be had a sleep hours 10. On vich and hepatitises handed over one month ago (it was necessary on job) OTRiTS.OCHEN very much very much I AM afraid WHAT IS IT SIGNS of a HIV WHO KNOWS ABOUT IT or THIS RESPOND pozhaluista.

24.03.2005, 17:18
Horror inhuman!!!

Listen, you already davnym for a long time should address to dermatovenerologu with the candidiases-clamidioses. And now also to infektsionistu apparently it is necessary. The HIV thus to catch almost improbably, but the risk small (basically because of your "activity") all the same was, though he the lowest. So hardly it is a HIV, and the reason to find it is necessary. Run on doctors. On a HIV if so you doubt, make the analysis in 3 months, but you have not enough chances to receive positive take that you will not tell or say about a hepatitis In, for example.

04.06.2005, 18:41

Then it is better Atets Terez.;-D

06.06.2005, 22:42
u menya tokayaje figya kak u tebya bila so stulom, hotya ya dva goda uej bous proveritsa. s jeludkom problem net?

18.06.2005, 00:11

The old man, you as mother tereza... A pancake... molotstsom:)