Просмотр полной версии : for Lexi..

12.04.2005, 14:14
All has begun with that ill-starred communication or connection. Later with polmesjatsa have begun : a urethritis. Began to accept ++. For same time it is necessary my first analysis on a HIV (MONIKI) which answer should be in 10 days. Paralellno (both-is negative or both-negatively) have been handed over .tsiprolet due action has not rendered. It was necessary to replace a preparation with the Doxycycline. The urethritis has cured. Answers of analyses to a HIV have detained. Where that in 6-7 weeks from predpologaemogo infections the fever has begun spontaneously. There were problems with GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT (heartburns, a diarrhea, and then, the problems connected with complicated, even would tell or say with an impossible swallowing. Jammed in pishchebode) .togda and peryj time was swelled up with sites-submandibular. But they quickly slept or burn. Spontaneously there was a blood from a nose and gums. Tussis, a pharyngitis and a rhinitis has begun. There were strong headaches. In the mornings delicacy and the moderate sweat was marked or celebrated. Then all has as though passed or has as though taken place, except for a bronchitis and a diarrhea. Has grown thin. In the form of a call the answer of the analysis has come to an out-patient department (in 45 days after delivery) .-. Fiber 25. After the answer imunnoblota has understood all seryoznost situations and began to search for attributes of infection, thus has counted the listed attributes for Acute Retroviralnyj the Syndrome, and has found out the eruption not noticed earlier, in the form of frequent fine points on anticnemions and stops, i.e. below knees (as though the midges has bitten) .sdelal a conclusion-petechia. This eruption kept longly-more enough month, thus was not scratched and did not itch. There were transient joint pains. In 2,5 months from contact one fever after which sites on : at the left have increased, then on the right has begun eshyo. Appeared jazvochki in a mouth, there was a candidiasis on a lower lip, bursted up to a blood of a labium. On angles, in a place smykanija top and a lower lip cracks were formed. Descended or went mucous from a palate some times. Then on a palate that was formed what shishechka which strongly hurted or was ill;was sick. The temperature longly, especially rising to evening last. There was very strong restraint in muscles (it was impossible to touch) .cherez 3 months has been handed over IFA in Sklife. Result-negative. CHerz 3,5 months + in "antivich"-both negative. Like has calmed down. The minus descended or went in MONIKI for control delivery in 5,5 months-?oa 2 tests, ?i-doubtful (18, 25) .bylo it is offered to be retaken in 3 months. Was on affairs outside Russia, where peresdal IFA and :-, ib- (120, 18, 25) .byli 4-350. Whether the HIV also have not explained it-plainly. Peresdal after arrival in moniki-?oa 2 tests negative, ?i-doubtful (18, 25) .stali to increase or be enlarged sites under a jaw. In more than 10 months was peresdan PTSR in scientific research institute of Virology-is negative or of Virology-negatively. Later about one year was peresdan IFA (2 tests)-was negatively, and ?i-doubtful (1 Sokolinke. On given : it is obvious!! Sites on a neck, under a jaw, on elbows, and also inguinal, a herpes, a candidiasis, a ulitis, reddening of eyeglobes and a pain in them, a seborrhea. The leukoplakia of tongue (even the stomatologist has advised peresdat analyses on an infection and on an oncology) .devushka from which there was a communication or connection having learned or having found out has been diagnosed, that me it will be offered to her to pass or take place the test for a HIV has disappeared. I do not know as now to be.

eto na vsjakij sluchaj, jesli s mailom 4o to ja namudil...

30.04.2005, 05:11
I already on mail have received it.. dop do not vanish... And I shall try to show kmunibud.. And on aidse opoblikuju or it is simple niki I shall show...

The patient With
02.05.2005, 00:11
na $$$ uzhe poslal...

09.05.2005, 01:44
molodoi chelovek - vam nuzno proveritsia na sifilis

01.06.2005, 04:24
??? s 4ego eto?... kstati, sdaval ja RW... da i shankra ne bilo...

Alexey With
13.06.2005, 11:14
Vse chto ya prochital menya prosto uzhasnulo/

Chto skazat prosto neznaiu

13.06.2005, 18:59
BOG... sifilis ne dast takuju kartinu na IB... i, dazhe jesli sifak i jest ', posle togo, kak ubezhdajeshsja, 4to u tebja HIV stanovitsja kak to pofig...

14.06.2005, 22:17
esli vi proverialisj na sifilis i rezuljtat otricateljnii, ja rekomenduu zdatj vtoroi kontroljnii test. Sifilis eto boleznj so mnozestvom simptomov, a inoda i bez nix. Shankar ne obizateljno pojavliaetsia, ne bolit i mozet bitj v vnutri organizma.

Edinstvennoe sredtstvo ot nego eto 2 ukola v jagodicu (penicilin), tabletki (azithromycin) - mogut bitj ne effektivni.

Doxycicline eto alternativnii metod - no dolgii - 14 dney, 2 raza v denj.

Chtobi bit uverenim v vizdoravlenii vam nuzno zdatj test posle lechenija, neskoljko raz v techenii goda! Vashi partneri toze dolzni proiti test, inache boleznj vernetsia opiatj!

Zapomnite - sifilis, do izobretenija penecilina v 1940-x, bil svoeobraznim SPIDOM, ne izlechimoe xronicheskoe zabolevanie - ne redko privodiashee k smerti. Vot uze 60 let sushestvuet panaceja ot nego - penicilin, i ne smotria na eto boleznj iskorenitj ne udaetsia

Prichini etomu - sloznaja diagnostika (inogda ne praviljnii analiz krovi), otsutstvie ili mnogoobrazie priznakov i inogda ne uspeshnoe lechenie)

Izvinite esli napugal