Просмотр полной версии : To girls...

13.04.2005, 20:15
At me such question. I Not sostaju on the account, anybody except for the groom do not know that I + so from me it is necessary to go to the doctor (genikologu). Whether It is necessary to me to go where that to specialized clinic. In fact I should be informed the doctor, that I +. I do not know what to do or make and how to act or arrive. Where to go, in the consultation. Whether will accept me there??? Or there do not go at all, and go to other places?? Tell, how at you. Give advice or council.

14.05.2005, 05:48
It seems to me, if nobody in a course about yours + it is possible to address to usual a gene to which you would go, be you-. it is not necessary to inform it or him. Can in Moscow differently, and to the a gene I go on usual surveys and a blood it is not necessary to hand over there.

31.05.2005, 02:58
And I to the go, at us, the truth, inform in female consultation, but me accept without conversations, well unless sometimes a dissatisfied look to myself allow, but me on their discontent somehow, to tell the truth... At them job such.

07.06.2005, 02:35
At us, probably, is easier in this plan. It is possible to go to any consultation, at all in a place of a registration, the main thing that there was a passport. And on a paid basis you will accept as native. And it at us is not dear or expensive, from fifty roubles.

11.06.2005, 15:53
I sometimes go platno.. And sometimes in regional.. There know that I vich...