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alexander malts
09.09.2004, 12:50
blin malo togo chto kuchu semptomov tak mne eshe nazvanivaet tot chelovek ot kotorogo ya bous chto zarazilas i ostavlyet soobsheniya chto nado pogovorit. a ya diko bous perezvanit, na analiz poka ne mogu poiti potomuchto moi nineshniy muschina segda so mnoi, i ya ne mogu virvatsa kudato bez nego. skoro soidu s uma

07.10.2004, 01:33

And why you think, what is it the young man who keeps ringing to you, is sick?

08.11.2004, 15:44
jopoi chuu, takoi kategorie chto prosti za virojenie ebet vseh i vse chto popadaetsa.

13.11.2004, 19:43
plus nam razgoverivat neochem, mi s nim perepehnulis raza dva i vse. nu kakie tam mogut bit razgovori pretom chto ya ego ne videla goda 2

16.11.2004, 12:55
Something seems to me, that anything at it or him is not present, and keeps ringing, he to you because, wishes to tell or say that is sick, and is simple because active very much, well and the spring promotes. Voobshchem talk to it or him, by phone, even from short conversation, you should understand all, and to you at once it becomes easier.

24.11.2004, 13:21
Mozha he lives without you cannot.

And to talk wants, that once again you to see., to kiss, for an arm or a hand to take, and can clamp in an entrance as you remember in the childhood. (I remember once the girl at an entrance casually arm or hand for a breast have seized, so till now I regret.. That the second arm or hand has been borrowed or occupied by its or her doll, she likely too (in sense a doll))

And about an acute stage, you are so much how much here the scales drive an acute stage already should pass or take place time 5.

And she at you all lasts on yours raskazam so does not happen.

21.12.2004, 07:00
nu vopervih emu na menay nasrat emu lijbi viebat vse chto dvijetsa, i eslib vi slishali soobshenie golus u nego serezniy mol srochno pogovorit nado. plus ostraya stadiya bila dva goda nazad srazu posl moee polovoi svyazi s nim, ranshe ya ne zadumivalas jela kak jela a teper proevlyautsa vsyakie drugie semptomi, naprimer dva dnya nazad nochu temperatura i osnob ne s togo ne s sego. ne gorlo ne bolit, ne nasmorka, i tak dva dnya derjalo

19.01.2005, 08:22

Well here, you do not take a tube, and he wishes to talk to you, therefore at it or him a voice and seryoznyj. Can to him with you, and speak there is nothing, but here he on spring, about you has recollected and allow you to keep ringing, and as he the ladies' man, from your words skilled or experienced, he knows what voice of reports to leave to girls. In occasion of acute stage MBU all to you has explained.

Talk, and as to you it becomes easier.

10.02.2005, 22:35
Lina, and you try or taste it or him on a fright to take tell or say, that at you after you with it or him shorkalas, 2 years ago have found out vich.

You look he the first lomanetsja the analysis to hand over, and and naprjagatsja it will not be necessary to you and you will solve the problem.

12.02.2005, 11:19
sposibo za soveti, no ya daje bous emu zvanit takoe chustvo chto on skajet chto on bolen.

18.02.2005, 13:52

He is not sick, talk to it or him.

On how much it becomes easier to live to you, after that.

22.02.2005, 15:34
a otkuda ti znaesh chto on ne bolen

11.03.2005, 21:26
Well it is simple, I know also everything, from it is more visible.

I can even argue with you, what is it so.

12.03.2005, 07:49
prosto interesno pochemu tit tak dumaesh. mne kajetsa zvonit skazat ili bolen ili obvenit enay chto ya ego zarazila

19.03.2005, 07:48
... Later two years, well to you it is not ridiculous, he already from the bill has got off how much at it or him was partnyorsh......

30.03.2005, 23:08
toje pravda, hren ego znaet chto on ot menay hochet da esli daje ne po etomu povadu semptomi vseravno est

08.04.2005, 14:26

There are at you no signs, anything at you is not present.

16.04.2005, 14:42
pochemu takay uverinost? koneshno sposibo za poderjku ochen blagodarna

23.04.2005, 09:40

Here I know, and all. There is at you nothing.

24.04.2005, 16:58
mne bi bit takoi uverinoi

Svetlana N.K.
28.04.2005, 19:01
If you think, on this young man if he is sick, least, proceeding from it or him vetrennosti, he thinks about communication or connection of biennial prescription, and in general thinks, that it is necessary to call in this occasion.

01.05.2005, 06:25
mojet on menya reshil v etom obvenit ili mojet on super chesniy i reshil preznatsa, hren ego znaet

09.05.2005, 08:04
About its or his honesty, you spoke, what he vetrennyj, not constant and t.d.sootvetstvenno the person not responsible or crucial and not fair, and for two years, it or he had a heap partnyorsh (I already spoke it to you) and to accuse he has solved you? (nonsense full)

Not parsja anything at it or him is not present, and at you too anything is not present.

15.05.2005, 07:34
net nu posle nashei vstrechi on sidel v turme 2 goda, tak chto mojet u nego tam koneshno ktoto i bil:O) no poslednya pomoimu u nego bila ya. i esli ne smotret na to chto on mne zvonit, posle nashih s nim polovih otnosheniya ya popala v gospetal s temperaturoi 40 toshnotoi golovnoi bolu i tak dalee, u menay takova ne kogda nebilo, i vot 2 goda spusty atemperatura bez povada

25.05.2005, 20:40
Mlja, Lina at you the logic though is elementary

Yes if he was sick, and furthermore wished to accuse you there would be he, that that to pull

Yes he razvereshchalsja already for a long time, two more years back

Instead of would pull so longly