Просмотр полной версии : It is the truth?

The post-graduate student
01.05.2005, 03:35
Excuse for straightforwardness..

nachitavshis about a HIV I so have understood, that the virus is passed through a liquid: a blood, a semen.

And tell or say to me, if trah... Without a condom but to not finish in inside the risk of infection decreases???

Please explain....

04.05.2005, 18:02
You girl you DECREASES 8-Q wish to understand less riskovanaja or not!

08.05.2005, 07:43
))) it is better to finish, it is desirable for both, and it is desirable simultaneously and besides, not once))) But thus it is better to be protected, fairly.

09.05.2005, 12:15
The HIV, except for other liquids of an organism, contains as in a semen. In predejakuljatsionnoj liquids - " man's greasing ", there is a small amount of a semen. Therefore the interrupted certificate or act does not protect on 100 % neither from a HIV, nor from pregnancy. Moreover, in case of from a HIV, he represents real threat of infection, though probability to catch and below, than at an ejaculation.

Bugs Bunny
09.05.2005, 12:47
Thanks...... Have pleased!

DEEPWOLF I not simply brave... I sumashedshaja....

13.05.2005, 09:26
5 Success to you and health... The main thing that all was good at you. You in fact know on what go

14.05.2005, 09:07
I know........................................

16.05.2005, 12:02

Hardly you know it, if did not know even that has asked here. But not in it or this business. You are free the life to dispose at own discretion. Excuse for an immodest question (to it or him not necessarily to respond): and whether the one whom you " like " (by your own words), on little bit less knows what he goes?

17.05.2005, 14:29
In sense?

18.05.2005, 01:05
And explain to me please: that in it or this such terrible, that with it or this to live it is impossible... People live and lives are pleased...... Yes, I agree, it certainly, and any dr.bolezn on h.. Are not necessary, but if so it has turned out..........

.. So to think., it is necessary to sit at home, and that kirpich on a head svaletsja, the machine or car will bring down, God forbid certainly....

Not naju, I can and not the rights, but I so think.... At me the girlfriend at it or her Vich 9 and THANKS GOD all is excellent or different! And the little girl the friend: all is excellent or different, the husband, job.... And in one day, failure or accident...... To death.........


The hedgehog
19.05.2005, 03:21
But to deprive with itself from for it or this a life...........

Simply all to it or this concern variously....

I shall die.... But not tomorrow.... All we to it or this also go, to not get to anywhere....... tembolee Vich preobrel global scale and researches in this area proceed.... And I think I (hope), that will find a medicine..........


22.05.2005, 03:04
Katenka........... mmm...... Give phone! And?

= =
23.05.2005, 22:48
Give phone.....

Address in a network of shops the Euronetwork of the-price simply to be stunned.

Now it costs or stands cheaply.

I think thousand two.

23.05.2005, 23:48
Pancake fractured me to read all answers... mozh who already about it or this also wrote... More shortly I lived with the person at which, already at present AIDS, and so.... Were not protected... He also finished in me.... And dazh I was pregnant... Both proctal or anal sex.... And all all all....

And so..... Having made 3 mes back analysis..... At me anything.... I.e. "-"

So silly to ask... At all this on a miscellaneous.... As to me objasnli, that et depends from on your immunity.... In as.... But it is necessary to be protected all the same!

23.05.2005, 23:52

Yes I agree all 100000 %%%

Simply for that moment the moment neither I nor he did not know that he is sick.... So here....

ter that kaneshno without prezika where...)

23.05.2005, 23:52

To you has simply carried, and it is improbable... But so will not be always. Do not pull the God a beard!

Immunity matters certainly (nonspecific) (and some people can have the genetic mutations of O-lymphocytes doing or making them with less acquisitive to a HIV), but he here there is nothing. Against a HIV almost anybody does not have immunity, differently there would be a vaccine.