Просмотр полной версии : uroplazma at vich

08.02.2005, 23:05
What can be consequences if at in the patient vich (muzhchny) have found out uroplazmu.

Whether to be treated it at +?

Already 2 times it tried to be treated by those medicines that the doctor registered, did not help or assist, in what there can be a business?

Vich it is sick not for a long time.

27.03.2005, 00:18
The ureaplasma to be treated at vich also as at healthy people, and so all illnesses or diseases. Only at spide all on another. And the ureaplasma a disgusting thing, it or her happens very difficultly to cure. It is possible for 10 days, and it is possible as I, for two years three treatments on a month and nifiga, enrages... Here I shall go soon to hand over analyses, God forbid... Again will find out.

12.05.2005, 16:17
mda I too and have not cured...

21.05.2005, 20:49
That for somazvanets vich b+c I have, and here venery everyone, nenat! Here did not think that is possible

On registered by the user, i.e. from its or his name postit...

It certainly all is not so essential, but cherevato mess... And nedoponimaniem... The some
