Просмотр полной версии : Alternative on treatment?.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Zdravstvuite the doctor, thanks you for predydushii the answer. I here wish to take an interest, whether is what nibud aliternativa on budushee in full treatment gerpisa, I here read somewhere one year ago in kakoi to clause or article about gerpise on the Internet, and there at was remembered that Americans vidut isledovanija in etoi areas and vrodeby is successful, but here I do not remember what medicine test, but the forecast on budushee was horoshii. At me to you a question, whether znaite you that nibud about new isledovanijah and forecasts on budushee which will help or assist to get rid from etoi infections for ever? Many thanks. Yours faithfully to you Nusha

01.09.2004, 19:30
While such medicines it is not invented.

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