Просмотр полной версии : Recently I delela operation also handed over the analysis of a blood. At me have suspected gepat...

19.08.2004, 22:37
Recently I delela operation also handed over the analysis of a blood.
At me have suspected a hepatitis of Century After a while I has handed over the test anew and results the following:
HBs Ag-it is positive; anti-HBc IgM otrits; anti-HBs (kolich) 0.0 honey ml; billirubin in norm or rate.
From words of the doctor I and have not understood I am sick or not (she has told or said all native to hand over the analysis of a blood and to me to inoculate in a year) and what to me now to do or make?

21.08.2004, 12:08
To do or make nothing. At the majority in a population in a blood it is possible to reveal presence of those or other antibodies to the diverse viruses. But notice it does not mean that there is an illness or a disease. There is no inflammation - there is no damage, sootvestvenno and there is no illness or disease, and antibodies are

Neljubina L.J.
22.08.2004, 14:02
In occasion of written below, yes, antibodies can meet in a blood and it does not speak about that that there is an illness or a disease. But HbsAg is an antigen, that is a particle which develops or produces a virus, instead of an organism (unlike antibodies). And it speaks that at an organism there is a virus of a hepatitis With. In that case an inoculation from a hepatitis In you to do or make it is not necessary, but it is necessary your native. Finally to make sure of that, there is at you a hepatitis or not, make the analysis of a blood on a hepatitis method PTSR.