Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, tell please though byvkrattse that such helminths?..

Nina Petrovna
10.08.2004, 12:04
The dear doctor, tell please though byvkrattse that such helminths? Ascarides? Nematodes? What from them it is more dangerous to the person? Whether probably to recover from them once and for all? What precautions to keep during lifetime of (except for to wash arms or hand and fruit and t. Item?) I can not find any information anywhere, accessible to the inhabitant, instead of the expert! Help or assist very much you I ask!

10.08.2004, 18:49
Infection still what, descend or go urgently to the doctor infektsianistu. Do not experience, to cure it is possible. Esteem about tenidozah in entsiklapedii, there it is a lot of information, search tenial worms. To catch it is possible at the use of badly fried or of badly fried thoroughly meat and a fish if the animal already is ill or sick. Of success also be not afraid, and go to the doctor, through the Internet you not vylecheetes.