Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Please, explain a following situation: at my young...

31.07.2004, 12:27
Hello! Please, explain a following situation: my young man during strong cold (or a flu) for the first time in a life had "cold" on labiums (or herpes, I do not know, whether there is between them a difference). In this connection some questions: 1. Whether it means, what he is sick of genital herpes, and whether it is necessary for him to hand over the analysis? Or at cold this normal phenomenon? 2. Whether I can catch from it or him and what kind of herpes - what on labiums or genital? (we at once have excluded kisses and that bolle sex). 3. How it is better to treat this infection? At once I shall tell or say, that neither at me, nor at it or him up to these herpes never was. In advance many thanks for the answer. Yours faithfully, Sofia

01.08.2004, 13:36
Sofia, cold on gubah-this display of simple herpes, which happens as labial (that at your young man), and genital.
1. The herpes (any) can not prove long time. Labial at your young man is present unequivocally. Genitalnyj-? It is possible to approve or confirm only by results of analyses.
2. Can catch, it is possible or probable you already be the carrier or bearer of a virus of herpes, as well as the majority of people. The herpes prove under certain conditions (stress, weakening of immune system, etc.)
Expected treatment of cold on labiums antiseptic ointment (antsiklovir, zoviraks, etc.), strengthening immune preparations. To cure a virus it is impossible, but thus it is possible to get rid of its or his displays. I already wrote about gerpese-look or see the previous questions.