Просмотр полной версии : At us at job the colleague was ill gipatitom with A.Nas wish all to impart, not vzja...

26.07.2004, 07:47
At us at job the colleague was ill gipatitom with A.Nas wish all to impart, not having taken preliminary any analyses. How much or As far as it is lawful?

26.07.2004, 18:11
The inoculation krnechno to you will not prevent, but the big sense from it or her will not be if you already infitsirovanny, under the law without your consent you should not impart or inoculate, but in fact at us all practically in voluntary compulsory order.

Neljubina L.J.
27.07.2004, 10:16
The vaccine against a hepatitis And is done or made in advance in epidemiologicheski adverse districts. Emergency bacterination after prospective infection is ineffective.