Просмотр полной версии : Hello Ann!! The diagnosis is put on the basis of IFA (Hbs it is found out...

26.07.2004, 02:11
Hello Ann!! The diagnosis is put on the basis of IFA (Hbs it is found out) and on the basis of PTSR (DNA is found out)... A level the ALAT and the AsAT normal... Treatment was not spent.... Doctors have told or said: all is normal, live easy, nothing will be... And I am afraid...
Thanks for your response!

26.07.2004, 15:12
Necessarily make the analysis on other markers of a hepatitis of Century If it will be found out, that a virus replitsiruetsja (is HbeAg) then it will be necessary to consider or examine;survey a question on treatment despite of a low level of transaminases.