Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor. I had frequent emictions and pains thus, and...

23.07.2004, 09:11
Hello the doctor.
I had frequent emictions and pains thus, and also the general or common delicacy. The analysis wet has shown a blood in urine, above norm or rate leucocytes, r. b. c, bacteria. Also after crop it was found out E. coli. The doctor to me has appointed or nominated treatment.
The doctor to me has told or said, that the rod lived at me in kidneys and my illness or disease for associates does not make special danger. Whether so it? Whether prompt, please, I can is crude vegetables and fruit during illness or disease?

Neljubina L.J.
24.07.2004, 09:11
The doctor has not deceived you. Crude vegetables and fruit are it is possible, if you well transfer or carry them. Exclude acute both smoked products and alcohol for the period of treatment.