Просмотр полной версии : I do not know, whether to the address of I address. I hope, what yes. Cleaned a salty herring...

14.07.2004, 22:38
I do not know, whether to the address of I address. I hope, what yes. Cleaned a salty herring, tried or tasted it or her, then in a belly has found any dirty trick, like curtailed or turned small chervjachka (a circle in diameter ok. 0, 5 sm). Has thrown out a fish, now I think, whether it is necessary to be afraid, if yes - what prophylaxis that such at me it was not got or started? Many thanks.

Neljubina L.J.
15.07.2004, 02:48
If this herring has been well salted and not house preparation risk to catch any "muck" is small.