Просмотр полной версии : Hepatitis " With, nach. A stage of a cirrhosis. Opratsija in 2000-applying splenorenalnog...

29.06.2004, 00:06
Hepatitis " With, nach. A stage of a cirrhosis. Opratsija in 2000-applying splenorenalnogo an anastomosis. Now fall trombotsity-58. What to do or make?

30.06.2004, 07:33
I put under doubt the statement about initial tsiroze. An anastomosis nakladyvaesja dolee in the advanced stages. Used or take now alcohol? As what parameters of function of a liver including a coagulogram. Only knowing all this complex of inspections it is possible to speak about prospect of treatment. Whether there was a biopsy of a liver?

01.07.2004, 21:04
Alcohol I do not use in general. The hepatitis is brought in 1991 at transfusion during cesarean sections. Koagulogramma-time rekaltsifik. plazmy-109 sec, a prothrombus. indeks-54 %, fibrinogen-3, 5. biopsija-during operation, data on arms or hand are not present. What data are still necessary?

02.07.2004, 16:22
In absentia very hardly to give what that rekommendatsii. On those data which you have resulted or brought at you is available not early and enough taki late (advanced) tsiriz - as there are attributes of a coagulopathy. In the given situation it is necessary to think already of transplantation of a liver in the future. Napichite your treatment at the given stage and what signs at you and what complications tsiroza already were. It is glad budui to help or assist even advice or council

02.07.2004, 21:46
Veroshpiron-constantly (swell), geptral-courses, ursofalk-t. To. Has increased zhelche-stone, glutoksim-courses. Pju a thistle, tea at a cirrhosis, a diet, honey. How to lift kol-in thrombocytes? I wish to be still, t. To. Daughters of 13 years and one year ago I have managed to marry!

06.07.2004, 13:32
Lena, what you HERE do or make??? Allopathists to treat THIS infection are not able, but is excellent or different - completely! - clean or remove KOSMOENERGETY. Or the some people of BIO-ENERGETICS, for example: http: // larina. by. ru

08.07.2004, 07:48
Thrombocytes can is risen at good supporting or maintaining treatment tsiroza. Veroshpiron is well, but he should be in greater or big doses. He should be combined with application of Lasixum - malyh-the moderate doses. As you have phenomena of a coagulopathy to you reception of Vitamin K is shown. Polyvitaminums too are shown. As reception Laktulezy for depression urovna amonija in an organism and prevention of an encephalopathy is shown. If there is a varicose phlebectasia of an esophagus application beta-a blocker Propranololum in small doses is shown. Most likely you have an increased lien as consequence or investigation of a portal hypertensia as is the reason of the low maintenance or contents of thrombocytes. Improvement of a portal hypertensia (as consequence or investigation of treatment tsiroza) can lead podemu thrombocytes. Success to you, Lenochka! God bless you!

09.07.2004, 12:44
Vitamin K is on sale in a drugstore in a ready kind? Never met