Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear doctor. The doctor at me 2 years ago on the face pojavilis...

04.07.2004, 11:39
Hello, the dear doctor. The doctor I 2 years ago on the face had dark maculae. I have addressed to the cosmetician, but there to me have prompted what is it there can be from what that illnesses or diseases of a liver. If it how it is possible to get rid of these maculae and as will cure a liver. On the TV show medicine Hilak-forte, whether it is possible to drink this drop without purpose or appointment of the doctor. The doctor as you think from what there are these maculae. Sposibo

Neljubina L.J.
05.07.2004, 20:48
Before something "to drink" all over again define or determine, whether there are problems with a liver, and then the doctor will already solve as how to accept for treatment.