Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Such question: never was and now while like there are no assays...

01.07.2004, 14:39
Hello. Such question: never was and now while like there are no problems with a liver, and here is casual (handed over analyses in other occasion, at the same time to be checked up has solved on hepatitis B and) in a blood are found out HCV-antibodies. In the early childhood to me did or made a hemotransfusion - it can the reason? Whether To run urgently to infektsionistu, or to hand over what or additional analyses, delay with exact diagnostics and treatment is how much dangerous? Thanks.

Egorov T.N.
02.07.2004, 17:24
The answer to a question 1: yes (if other reasons) are excluded.
The answer to a question 2: if there is an opportunity to hand over analyses without direction of the expert - hand over a blood on biochemistry (a bilirubin, nuclear heating plant, ALT, GGTP, an alkaline phosphatase at least) and on PTSR and already with results come to infektsionistu on consultation. If such opportunity is not present - begin with infektsionista.
The reasons for a panic while are not present, but also to postpone the reference or manipulation to the doctor it is not necessary. It is not excluded, that treatment is not required to you but to answer this question, analyses are necessary.