Просмотр полной версии : How the hepatitis in general is passed With? Only through a blood and sexual by? And chere...

Irina (the same:)
29.06.2004, 03:54
How the hepatitis in general is passed With? Only through a blood and sexual by? And through oral sex - what probability - and cherz bed-clothes?

Alexander of Item
29.06.2004, 13:45
Write, I shall tell: prugalov@mail. wplus. net

Erovichenkov A.A.
29.06.2004, 17:18
Dear Irina! Questions of diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis you can find on numerous honey. Sites (basically English-speaking), use system of information search on the Internet!! The special scientific researches, devoted to risk of transfer of a virus hepatitis With at oral sex it was not spent!!!