Просмотр полной версии : At me have revealed the raised or increased maintenance or contents of an intestinal rod in sexual ways (at p...

The anonym
26.06.2004, 02:06
At me have revealed the raised or increased maintenance or contents of an intestinal rod in sexual ways (at crop on sensitivity to antibiotics - feelings. To abaktalu). Other infections have not found out. Whether it is enough to use for treatment only abaktal or any preparations are necessary still? Whether it is necessary to treat the husband in parallel? Whether it is possible to be protected during treatment?

Neljubina L.J.
26.06.2004, 22:19
To be treated better to both partners and for the period of treatment to refrain from not protected poloovyh contacts. Usually one antibiotic happens enough, but at predilection to a candidiasis (thrush) it is better to add antimicotic preparations.