Просмотр полной версии : The doctor! At my son zolot. A staphilococcus (it is found out both in a stomach and in nezazhi...

OLGA *****
08.06.2004, 00:39
The doctor!
At my son zolot. A staphilococcus (it is found out both in a stomach and in nezazhivajushchth by years wounds on a body). No antibiotics help or assist.
Staf-ka becomes only more.
In what to search for the reason?
What to survey?
To the son of 12 years

08.06.2004, 08:45
ozmozhno at your son what that an immunodeficiency, probably hereditary character. It is desirable to investigate or research imunnuju system.

Neljubina L.J.
09.06.2004, 06:40
Consult at the immunologist, hand over an immunogram (the analysis of a blood on a status of immunity). At a normal status of immune system the golden staphilococcus does not cause or cause chronic diseases. Necessarily check up the maintenance or contents of Saccharum in a blood (exclude a diabetes mellitis)