Просмотр полной версии : During pregnancy have found out a ureaplasma (now term 30). It is allocated...

07.06.2004, 15:08
During pregnancy have found out a ureaplasma (now term 30). Vydeleny from a vagina in general is not present, but is allocation from a urethra. Whether it is necessary to accept in this case antibiotics, in fact how I understand an infection settles down not in a vagina and should not damage or injure;hurt to the child?

Erovichenkov A.A.
08.06.2004, 02:40
Dear Julia! At women gynecologists (in your case - akusher-the gynecologist) are engaged in treatment of urogenital diseases vrachi-!! Purpose or Appointment antibakterialnj therapies is defined or determined not only data of laboratory researches, but data of clinical survey!!!!