Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, in our city dentists do not sterilize a drill, objasn...

Angela, Nalchik
04.06.2004, 22:33
The dear doctor, in our city dentists do not sterilize a drill, explain it to what, the drill does not adjoin to a blood, whether it is correct? If is not present, as it is necessary to sterilize drills. Thanks.

Erovichenkov A.A.
05.06.2004, 10:58
Dear Angela, Nalchik! I to you urgently recommend to address with this question in local (city) sanepidstantsiju! It is their problem or task, to supervise correctness of processing of toolkit! I think they can quickly solve this question!! Sterilization of toolkit (including drills) is obligatory!!!!