Просмотр полной версии : I live in kommunalke. The neighbour was ill gipatitom With. Whether he can infect sos...

19.05.2004, 13:02
I live in kommunalke. The neighbour was ill gipatitom With.
Whether he can infect neighbours (air dropwise or drip by, the general or common bathroom...)

The doctor
19.05.2004, 18:50
The hepatitis With household by is not passed. It is possible to catch through a blood (for example the general or common accessories or belongings to shaving) and sexual by.

20.05.2004, 18:33
There are fixed or recorded facts of infection with a hepatitis With - sexual by?
Why on foreign sites approve or confirm absolutely return?

The doctor
21.05.2004, 06:27
Cases of a family hepatitis have been fixed or recorded With

The assistant jasnovidjashchej
21.05.2004, 10:24
Often hepatitises - family illnesses or diseases as for a long time have already learned to be passed on informatsionno-a power level. Very seldom we observed cases when one spouse has a hepatitis With, and at another are not present. It speaks not absence of intimate relations (they took place), and... Cleanliness spiritual this other spouse! He did not test pavor (which most of all "opens" the person for is the strongest form of aggression), other wrong emotions. Present infections - blocks or trochleas on aggression (in it or this the mechanism of so-called terrible court also consists: angrily devours itself). And we saw even cases of self-healing!..

22.05.2004, 03:21
Tell or Say, please, as projavljaetja a hepatitis With, what is this illness or disease such?

22.05.2004, 19:50
The bad infection often proceeding asymptomatically, therefore artful. 3 4 sessions.