Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Here a week I suffer strong diarrhoea (or...

19.05.2004, 13:28
The dear doctor! Here a week I suffer strong diarrhoea (or an intestine)... Anything plainly I can not eat. Whatever has eaten - a chair of green color, very liquid. Many times in day. I try to eat in general but so longly you will not stretch, and a problem it does not remove or take out - all the same a liquid chair of green color (" on a teaspoon ", but many times in day). I try to drink more (heard, that at a diarrhea it is necessary to drink plentifully). In the evening one week ago has eaten many fresh-salted cucumbers, and since morning there were problems described by me. I do not know, whether they are connected with those cucumbers (basically, they were eaten also with my wife, but not in such quantity or amount...) can, this or thus infectious? What to me to do or make? Is it would be desirable, and I am afraid. And the problem does not leave anywhere. HELP or ASSIST, please!!!

Erovichenkov A.A.
19.05.2004, 17:00
Dear Michael! Correctly to diagnose and appoint or nominate corresponding or meeting treatment, it is necessary for you to address for internal consultation to vrachu-to the therapist!!! Do not postpone the visit to the doctor!!