Просмотр полной версии : The huge request, prompt as to struggle with roto-a virus infection: prieh...

14.05.2004, 10:36
The huge request, prompt as to struggle with roto-a virus infection: have arrived to Sunday from Alushty, the daughter of 5 years has had been ill also the sister of 24 years still there, and on me has hooked in Moscow. All of charm - a vomiting, delicacy, diarrhea. I so understand, that medicines for gastric frustration are not pertinent: levometsitin, Ftalazolum, furazalidol, coal, smekta and t. The item does not help or assist. What to do or make???

Neljubina L.J.
15.05.2004, 18:42
Treatment symptomatic: as fixing therapy loperamid or immodium, adsorbents (smekta, the activated coal) continue to accept. Most glavnoe-a restore of losses of a liquid: drink more liquids, it is desirable with salts (regidron, mineral water, broth from raisin, compote from dried fruits)