Просмотр полной версии : The red face

26.05.2006, 00:03
Hello! I do not know to itself precisely to address with this problem, but nevertheless I think it to you! I am am disturbed constantly with my face!!!!!!!! Simply forces are not present!!!!:mad: At the slightest excitement, even insignificant, even to which I do not give value or meaning;importance, but nevertheless my face simply flushs on eyes!!!!!:mad: if to me to become even hardly, hardly hotly my face strongly reddens, and after acceptance of alcohol it is better to not look at me, I should drink butylochku some beer as my cheeks are poured by a blood, and under eyes the main thing all white is white! And a forehead too not red, in general from smotritsja it is ridiculous! As though I in glasses or spots! And my face simply fever pyshet, sometimes already throws sweat, though in or in street-where I am completely not hotly! I can not understand what is it such! I the young nice guy, but my face very much often bring me, and everyone ask me: - " YOU THAT SUCH RED "???!!! Help or Assist please, advise something!:mad::o: (

27.08.2006, 17:31
Almost same situyovina, in jandekse nashol, what is it can be DEMODEKOZ

imho, from "zelenki" it is better nestanet., I broisl and to drink for one that on to smoke did not pull.

25.09.2006, 20:52
From for a frost of a strong wind the face strongly reddens and at other factors too. Give please national or not but good retseptik in the decision of a problem. I shall be very grateful if the advice or council pishlete on mine e-mailACV2007@yandex/ru