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03.05.2006, 16:03
Would like to learn or find out how to define or determine a urticaria? What she happens? At me in the winter all over again have swelled up a foot of legs or foots, palms, all body (it was similar to stings of mosquitoes), then the itch has begun. All the night long it was excruciated, and by the morning have passed or have taken place. So 3 days proceeded. Has not sustained, has gone to the dermatologist. When has come nothing to the doctor on a body already was. Ojasnila a situation, the doctor without analyses the urticaria has told or said what is it, has written out uspokaitelnoe from which at once you fall asleep. On what the allergy, has not explained. So already proceeds more year, pours out - it is scratched during several days. Passes or takes place. And again... Prompt, please, that it is necessary to make? Nerves do not maintain, is physically tired and all time is aesthetically ugly to be scratched.

05.05.2006, 10:20
It is necessary for you proveti modern course treatment which to you will be appointed or nominated by the doctor.

05.05.2006, 11:19
When it happens last time and where do you live?

06.05.2006, 22:08
I too have a urticaria... I Can sympathize only... I 6 years am excruciated. Only here at me on a cold also passes or takes place in 10-15 minutes of heat. Vyprobyvali Suprastinum, Tavegilum, klaritin or something from this of some? To Me helps or assists - the itch passes or takes place

08.05.2006, 03:32
Not that treat. Come more close to colds - we shall cure.:)