Просмотр полной версии : Spots on a back

21.07.2005, 13:46
I am am disturbed with spots on a back. It is strange, that they became more active or were activated 2 years ago when I have started to work in Asia and has taken a great interest in the Asian kitchen or cuisine (which basic part rice). And just now I have come across this clause or article ( http: // www.rosconcert.com/common/arc/story.php? id_cr=50*id=28123 ) in which it is spoken, that the use of the cleared carbohydrates promotes occurrence of spots. If could you, look at this clause or article. And more one interesting detail when I am ill or sick with cold or a flu, I notice, that spots promptly disappear. I do not accept any medicines. Thanks. You could not advise me something particularly for my case and to respond, that you think of that clause or article. (clauses or articles and posts on the general or common subject on the given problem I already have read through enough)

Dr. Syrokomsky
24.07.2005, 14:54

The infection causing disease - is on a skin practically at each healthy person. The adult or the child. However not everyone have disease UGREVAJA the ERUPTION (SPOTS), the FURUNCULOSIS, the FOLLICULITIS, DEMODEKOZ. To you has not carried a little. Every possible microorganisms - Propionibacterium acnes (an anaerobic diphtheroid bacterium), a staphilococcus, the tick or mite demodeks and other microorganisms, being on your skin, start usilenno to be made multiple copies and come deep into skins, causing displays of disease.
Even at presence of the expressed lesion of integuments in analyses originators not always it is defined or determined.
Right after birthes the body of the person becomes covered by millions microorganisms. The person cannot live without microbes. Microorganisms on a skin of the person, in an intestine carry out many useful vital functions. Synthesize enzymes, vitamins, etc. In sterile conditions the person can quickly die. Is not present in the world of an individual at which through the certain time intervals on any site of an integument does not appear any pryshchik - once a week, once a month, in a quarter and so on. They disappear completely, and in a greater measure we on them simply do not pay any attention. This normal phenomenon.
What is teenage, youthful acnes, spots? When is available two, three, five spots, well on pair pieces it is more! Two has passed or has taken place - there was one, three has appeared - two has disappeared and so on. Spots superficial, not deep, thus of a pore are closed. After disappearance or eradication of acnes, spots does not remain hypertrophic cicatrixes. Dense scars which act above a level of a skin. Atrophic cicatrixes (scars which are located a little below a level of a skin), so-called "fossas". This absolutely normal phenomenon.
It is a trifle! It is not necessary to pay special attention to this nonsense. Nothing appears only when there is no integument, that is at a skeleton. What is the disease? As from it or this not zastrahovan anybody to you simply to some extent has not carried. The GROUP of RISK - contact to lubricant butters or oils, DIOXINE, mineral oil is allocated (Clinical Dermatology, Thomas B.Fitzpatrick, M.D., Ph. D., D.Sc. (Hon.) Microorganisms by which integuments are covered, start usilenno to be made multiple copies and come deeply into an ostium of sebaceous glands, pores reveal. Also has begun there Are acnes, spots, it is a lot of acnes, spots.
Superficial and deep, morbid, tens, hundreds. After their disappearance or eradication remain it is long not passing or not taking place red maculae, scars are all is the certificate of that very serious, serious disease develops, coming to an end a disfiguration of integuments and the qualified treatment is urgently necessary. To catch disease it is impossible from anybody. Probably, you once heard expression - after carrying out of cleaning of a skin of the face to me have brought an infection. I shall bring at once clearness.
Anybody to anybody brought nothing. Simply same your native infection, not someone's another's, namely yours after carrying out of procedure became more active or was activated, and as a result has arisen more spots, than was up to an intervention. Our main task - to destroy microorganisms which have got deeply into a skin. I know, how it to do or make already more than 15 years. As a result, after the spent course of treatment, as well as at each healthy person, the infection remains on a skin without any displays of disease. I cure the most serious lesions of a skin of the face and a trunk, a pilar part of a head ugrevoj an eruption (a furunculosis, chiri, a folliculitis) irrespective of prescription of disease and every possible methods of treatment spent up to it or this. Success of treatment - huge will power, obligatory belief of the patient in convalescence, faultless execution or performance of all only my references and constant contacts of the patient to the doctor during treatment. Very much I regret, however you suffer long years very serious disease. Disease proceeds is unpredictable. You tomorrow can wake up and not learn or not find out yourselves in a mirror - the skin will be so bad. All we are necessary to someone when we are healthy. So the world is arranged. Your disease are your sufferings, it in most cases only your personal pain which constantly does not give you rest, oppressing you, interfering sversheniju many plans. As a result you have got to the doctor who cures this disease. By the way, treatment of this disease is considered a serious problem all over the world. Will agree with me, that seen you meet in system the Internet not every day. Everyone write, that treat. But I can show result after my treatment. It is very a pity to me, but the main condition of your convalescence is your personal presence at me on consultation. As a last resort, 1-2 times. You can learn or find out, how your course of treatment should be spent only at our personal meeting. Your treatment can exclusively be spent under my observation. Data about my license are specified on facial page of my site. My representation in your city is not present. Ugrevaja the eruption, a folliculitis is the cleanly external disease caused by microorganisms. Current of disease is not influenced in any way with a kept diet, whether you live a sexual life, etc. Course of treatment is long, not less than 4 months. Treatment spend houses, independently, procedures external. Processing of integuments by a spirituous solution of medicinal substances is spent. In places of a lesion inflammatory reaction which is accompanied by an erythema, is specially caused or causes specially by a burning sensation, an ecdysis of a skin. Procedures in the beginning of treatment are a little bit morbid. Strong inflammatory reaction at men is saved on the average 1-1,5 months, at women 1,5 months. During treatment integuments under action of solar and light beams can get -brownish painting. It especially concerns to the years or summer period. As a result this all disappears completely. Use of decorative cosmetics during treatment is not supposed. Hormonal preparations and retinoidy (ROAKKUTAN) at treatment I do not use. My technique has no by-effects. The most awful old abscesses disappear for 2 - 4 weeks from the beginning of treatment. It yet treatment. Treatment - pure or clean, your natural color a skin, full or maximal closing of pores (it depends on your sense of duty), disappearance or eradication of superficial fossas, a resorption of a cicatrical tissue (the dense keloid cicatrix becomes soft and at a level of a skin), purchase of a normal form, color and sizes of a nose. My reception lasts 1,5 - 2 hours, you receive a medicine and for the same day leave again home. During treatment with me constantly keep in contact. Volume of a medicine which you receive, it is calculated on
25 - 30 days. Later this term that there was no break in treatment, you are obliged to be on repeated reception. In total to me five arrivals not less.
However if it will arrange you, it is possible to receive a medicine on all course of treatment. Accordingly, calculation is made also on before. I should learn or find out some features of disease: abscesses superficial, deep, their quantity or amount - individual is, a lot of, presence of cicatrixes, fossas, area of a lesion (only the face, a trunk), whether you suffer an allergy on something and t.d). Payment for your treatment depends On it or this. If the face and a body is amazed or struck, there is no allergy on something, cost of each reception in view of a received medicine 250-300 c.u. If are amazed or struck only a skin of the face, or a pilar part of a head cost of each reception in view of a received medicine 200 c.u. I Remind, that such receptions only five. If you suffer an allergy on something, I should know the full list of medicines which application is accompanied by allergic reaction. After the termination or ending of course of treatment, considering, that you had very serious disease which with the years leads to a disfiguration of integuments, the obligatory permanent care of a skin according to the received references is necessary.

PS If you will wish I can help or assist you with problems of your internal organs. At treatment, basically, I use herbs.
Parallel purpose or appointment of grasses, considering, that treatment is morbid, and for many is some kind of test, will help or assist you will consult with all difficulties of psychological perception of the treatment. The technique of treatment differs radically with herbs from conventional. The person lives in this world owing to that he eats. Food stuffs which we use in nutrition in the beginning are 4-6 hours in a stomach where influenced a gastric juice. Then kashitseobraznaja the mass falls to an intestine and under influence of bile, enzymes of a pancreas is exposed to more careful digestion and starts to be soaked up. Disease arises because the organism does not receive necessary chastichki with used nutrition for maintenance of normal working capacity of each internal organ. After reception of grasses they almost transit pass or take place a stomach and literally in 20-30 minutes start to be soaked up. Grasses is the most high-grade, most natural, 100 percent or interests acquired nutrition your organism. In grasses there are all necessary "spare parts" which very much does not suffice your organism. We use nutrition in reasonable quantities or amounts every day in current of all our life. Grasses we can daily use very long time.
Any accustoming does not come. In fact in reasonable quantities or amounts it is impossible to get used to nutrition. Please, very closely or attentively reconsider all sections of my site. On my site http: // www.dr.syrokomsky.com dermal diseases, but, as a rule, are displayed all my patients have greater or big disturbances in job of each internal organ.
Since nervous system (headaches, irascibility, irritability, a bad dream) Illness or Disease Parkinsona. Depression of immunity - frequent colds, herpes, the anginas, the raised or increased blood pressure because of an atherosclerosis of the vessels, the raised or increased sweating. Disturbances of function of a thyroid gland (a hyperthyroidism, a hypothyrosis), intimate or cardiac pains, an arrhythmia, attacks of a dyspnea, a bronchial asthma. A dysbacteriosis, diseases of a liver (hepatitises, cholangites), a pancreas (a pancreatitis, dystrophic changes of a pancreas, a diabetes mellitis). Illnesses or diseases of kidneys and a stomach, a fibrocystic mastopathy of mammary glands, disturbances of a menstrual cycle, constipations, enteritises (diarrheas) of disease of a locomotorium, a rhematoid polyarthritis, Bekhterev's illness or disease, problems of excess weight (obesity), intervertebral hernias and many other things. And when, and it is feature of my treatment, (EXCEPTION the FOLLICULITIS is, UGREVAJA the ERUPTION, demodekoz/O?aNa) is normalized job of each internal organ then becomes also pure or clean, healthy a skin. It is confirmed with photos of patients on my site. You get herbs independently. All of them are accessible. Cost of reception at treatment by herbs 250 c.u. Full improvement of an organism is very desirable also it is left on your discretion. On day or bottom;fundus of arrival, please, inform for some days.
Then I shall tell or say the concrete address and as it is more convenient to reach. I live in Ukraine, the city of Zhitomir, 130 km. From Kiev. If have additional questions, please, call back by phone +380(412) 44 50 88, +380
(412 25 25 55. The Mobile phone +38 067 502 16 55 since 9 mornings till 23 o'clock.