Просмотр полной версии : Hydroadenitis

22.07.2005, 16:39
At me a hydroadenitis, the doctor predlogaet to do or make a hemotransfusion (t.e to take from a vein and to stick in the priest). Whether it is necessary to do or make this procedure? Also prompt other methods of treatment.

24.07.2005, 02:45
The hydroadenitis-think you was mistaken in the name! a hydradenitis

The hydradenitis is a purulent inflammation potovyh glands. It is caused or causes stafilokkokom, more often golden. The infection gets through ducts of glands or on lymphatic ways. The hydradenitis is localized in an axillary hollow, much less often - in genital area at men and at women - in the field of papillas. The contributing reasons - dermatitises (eczemas, an intertrigo), the raised or increased sweating, untidiness.

In depth of a hypodermic fat there is a dense morbid nodule. In the beginning he is covered by not changed skin, and then its or her surface becomes rough, purple-red color. At fusion of an infiltrate there is a fluctuation and through a formed small aperture is allocated slivkoobraznyj pus. Duration of development of an infiltrate of 10-15 days. The hydradenitis often gets subacute character. Palindromias are frequent.


The general or common: antibiotics, Sulfanilamidums, Nitrofuranums, an autohemotherapy. At relapsing forms - a specific immunotherapy, fortifying agents. Mestno - dry heat, UHF. The good effect gives obkalyvanie an infiltrate a solution of an antibiotic in Novocainum. At treatment of a hydradenitis with success apply a roentgenotherapy. At development of an abscess opening by its or his small cut or section is shown.

For closing rapy it is recommended to use not bandages which rub pus in a skin, and labels. It is necessary to arrange for prevention of a becoming infected nearby from an abscess potovyh glands that is reached or achieved dubleniem skins by alcohol, processing of a skin in the field of a lesion of boric or 10 % of 2 % camphoric or camphor alcohol, and also other tanning substances. The irradiation of a skin is shown by ultra-violet beams also.

Source: www.medtrust.ru