Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist, who than can, a vertex bald...

01.09.2004, 22:04
35 years, hair on all apartment, as at a fading dog. Analyses all in norm or rate. National methods and agents vosstanavlijushchy cosmetics does not help or assist. A vertex bald. And quot; iNOaiNn*quot; has declared or announced 170,000 rub, for stvolovye cells. Such money is not present, to be reconciled with a baldness?

23.09.2004, 11:10
If all analyses precisely in norm or rate (sexual hormones, hormones of a thyroid gland, a level of iron or gland, a ferritin, a hemoglobin), the therapist, the endocrinologist, the gynecologist find nothing *quot; ?oNu*quot;, and abaissement of hair lasts over 4 months, then it is necessary to think of following variants - diffusive or diffuse abaissement of hair (for example, on a background of a neurosis), a syndrome anagenovogo abaissements, and most often a variant - androgeneticheskoj alopecias. Trihologi (only from decent establishments), in a status to distinguish these variants, I recommend to make fototrihogrammu to compare parameters of average diameter of hair in parietal or bregma and occipital zones, average density rod and pushkovyh hair in these zones and quantity or amount of dropping out and growing hair in androgenzavisimoj and androgennezavisimoj zones. When will precisely know the diagnosis, it is possible to discuss treatment. When greater or big sums of money sound, but there is no name of the diagnosis is not so fine.