Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, prompt how to act or arrive please. To me 19 years also am excruciated iz-...

18.08.2004, 01:26
Zdrastvujte, prompt how to act or arrive please. To me 19 years also am excruciated iz-for problem skins, I drink hormones the second month (Diana 35), I smear pryshchiki Skinorenom, and for night DifFerinom, but in the afternoon a skin again fat in the morning and the inflamed places are scratched. It is necessary to wash special gels (Klerasilom and similar) to wipe losonami. Whether correctly I act?

Not the doctor
18.08.2004, 04:46
At all do not drink hormones!! And who has advised it to you. There WILL be other problems!!! Often with special gels not umyvajsja-only you will aggravate a problem.
My daughter had a similar problem. Did or made transfusion of a vein in the priest, in KVD. Has not so helped or assisted, it is possible to make laser purification or ablution. BUT AT ALL DO NOT DRINK HORMONES!!!

The author
19.08.2004, 10:25
Why in no event? I on them nidejus, let even shall add in vese-not terribly, I very much complex iz-for spots.... In KVD did or made transfusion an autohemotherapy and nitrogen liquid. Not so all it has helped or assisted me. Hope for hormones.

The anonym
22.08.2004, 06:34
Itself was worn out! klerasil and t. The item do not help or assist absolutely: vykachka money! Only shchas has found salvage (in 21.). POLYPHEPANUM (a rotten tree, unpleasantly, but as prispichit and ka. .shku eat, on myself I know, but och. Helps or assists, he clears an organism), then Lineks (moloch. bakterii-anything harmful) and gel d washings EFFACLAR (only in a drugstore search, costs or stands to a comment 500, but he itself(himself) pays back on all of 100 %), do not eat shoko-d and I wish success to you! There will be questions, throw on 204077389 because I know skolkih tears such "troubles" cost or stand!

Not the doctor
26.08.2004, 05:19
From a hormone you will have other problems (I a saw, I know). Hair on the face, or failure in menstr will start to grow. A cycle, or not maturing folikulov... Whether yes it is not enough still of that. Spots, believe to me, not the most terrible. Can, really, a problem in ZHDT. There can be you eat a lot of acute, sweet, salty?

26.08.2004, 11:16
What for the attitude or relation to hormones??? This all from a series of horror stories of 80 90 years. I do not know, what tablets a saw " not the doctor ", but D-35 have proved from many positive parties or sides. I do not recognize any other methods of preservation (for the different reasons) and as I have a problem skin so it in general salvage! Drank earlier Marvelon, Mersilon, now D-35, naturally, with checks at the doctor. Any addition weight, and furthermore a pilosis did not observe (more likely, on the contrary) Be assured, I have read through mass of the literature pro and contra, and I consider or count, that have made a correct choice. The face is very important for the girl. And "author" would like to wish PATIENCE and success! Yes, also try any time to wash tar soap and to use for the face something easier". I have tried for the face mass every possible agents and have come to such conclusion that it is necessary to use not dear or expensive known kosm, and is easier. I now live in Staffs or States and with it or this just there are problems, it is necessary native to me to send posylki. Represent, how on mail on them look, when send soap to America? Not the fact, that will help or assist you, but try or taste!

The anonym
29.08.2004, 21:21
Not only that blunt, curve moreover and pryshchavaja. Umora!

The author
30.08.2004, 06:34
Veronica and how to help or assist you there were tablets to Diana quickly?

03.09.2004, 02:39
Have a drink 4 months roakkutan, and all as an arm or a hand will remove or take off for long term. And there is less than farinaceous foods. I 4 years a saw d-35, but am better without it or him. I have passed or have taken place this all. Wipe the face a solution zinerit in a drugstore there are 200 roubles. Successes.

03.09.2004, 18:52
My son after three years of excruciatings was helped or assisted by the following: Differin for the night, Skinorenom in the morning, oshchishchajushchie losony to be scratched it was scratched (as the doctor and spoke), polipefan (as the ground, anything pleasant and opposite too) and so not less than two months and it is regular. Zametnnye improvements after two months. And in general address once to the good expert is better and itself houses all do or make (for example "Arcady's" beauty salon) we there addressed. Successes. And D-35 many doctors recommend, but we the boy:)) Still he in a week visits or attends a bath of times - hdorovo helps or assists, pores cleans.