Просмотр полной версии : Tumours on a skin

01.09.2004, 19:30
The last some days, at me have appeared zhudky an itch on a skin, practically on all body, except for the face.

After you start to scratch strongly a place of an itch there are blisters, easy or light;mild reddening. Blisters have the various size, and in due course if them to not touch or not tamper with they propodajut in itself.

First such was on brushes of arms or hand, then has gone above up to an elbow and by the given moment, it is necessary to me to scratch only an arm or a hand, a leg or foot or a stomach or belly, they appear again. As a rule, ches begins when I not at job or on study that is when there is practically nothing to borrow or occupy. In the evening, before a dream there is an exacerbation. By the morning all passes or takes place, but within day appears again.

Last time one unpleasant history which till now has not terminated has happened to me, and in this occasion I very strongly experience and I am nervous.


It would be desirable to learn or find out, whether there can be it from for nervoza? What else signs could cause or call similar?

01.09.2004, 19:30
To tell or say that or it is complex or difficult, but apparently you describe a urticaria, try or taste antihistamine preparations, and look or see

01.09.2004, 19:30
And by the way the scabies is not excluded completely not, address to the dermatologist:confused is better: