Просмотр полной версии : Advice or Council is required

01.09.2004, 19:30

Forgive or Excuse, if similar subjects already were,

But advice or council is very necessary.

The matter is that in July and in the extremity or end of September

At me jumped out gidrodenit in the left axilla.

Treated in clinic surgical by.

The doctor has told or said, that from shaving,

But is somenija, tk to me already 25,

And gidrodenit has appeared just now.

In this connection I wish to consult,

To what doctor it is better to me to address,

To find out the REASON vozninovenija infections,

Therefore as as I understand, it is an infection it is caused or called.

Besides has now got out very similar purulent pryshchik edgewise,

But like while it is successfully treated levomikolem.

I shall be grateful for advice or councils.


01.09.2004, 19:30
Raspingly speaking, you are colonized with a pathogenic staphilococcus.

It is a lot of reasons for that and I think, that at your age, obvious prichinosledstvennyh communications or connections will not find. Nevertheless, hand over a glucose of a blood. Not badly crop from a nose on flora. Ogranichte Saccharum. Douche 2-3 times a day with antibacterial soap, especially carefully process large cords or crimps. Epilations refuse, rasping clothes do not wear. Naruzhno ointment Baktroban or Fucidinum. On the centers. Frequently it or this happens enough, but not always.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Still it is possible to try to replace a deodorant (an epilation of the woman cannot usually refuse), to stop to smoke (if you smoke), to lower weight (if is superfluous) and to hand over a clinical blood (to exclude an iron deficiency anemia).