Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Call me Sergey. Associates like arranges;) Is at men...

20.08.2004, 23:38
Good afternoon! Call me Sergey. Associates like arranges;)
Is at me problemka. I the person computer so she not
So strongly me excites. .no percent or interests my 10 systemic resources
Eats!) spots at me have appeared about 3 years ago. Many speak me
What is it iz-for a computer. I certainly abuse it or him. .no. .koroche
Speaking I think that to you, experts in the area, more visibly! I shall state
Briefly but clearly. They, rascals, have appeared gde-that in a year after that
As I have started to abuse a computer. Then suddenly on a back have appeared..
Then on a breast. After that I have started to reflect that if all to leave
As there is that it is possible and to play a box;-) Who knows it or him. .obychnoe soap
Naturally does not help or assist! Different protiralki-creams and for a long time. Was at doctors..
Have registered at morning to wipe a face a spirit-lamp any and in the evening... Now
I shall look as it is called;) Open Company this " medical podcherk ";)) something is shorter such
Spirituous + a white deposit at the bottom. Before application nuna to shake up or shake. It certainly
Better than anything. .no not especially that strongly helped or assisted! Have told or said - nuna to throw
To smoke and happen on the nature. Has fallen down in village for a week. .peresilil itself also did not smoke!
Nda. .relultat has not especially impressed and in fact 10 days it vsyo-taki term! Usually THEY,
Mean, attack me during a seat behind a computer! That is if to stay hours 8-
There will be an addition family)) But. .byvaet that all the day the book I read. .a here opa!
Gift!! Prikolno that when I sleep - result on the face!!;) I thought that all business
In magic "night" mazjukalke with a white deposit. By no means. .dnyom even with her me expect
THEIR attacks! 24 hours per day for full treatment can nuna sleep to me?;))
Sometimes THEY appear even on legs or foots. .v small certainly quantities or amounts and pos-
le persecution rastvorchikom spirtovochki kuda-that c. .a especially at night!! But it is the standard
For all body;) But I so have estimated. .ved earlier and on a back they not especially climbed, and now..
vobshchem it is clear! By the way if to sit EVEN BEHIND the BOOK all the night long not spavshi - too will be
problemki! Here has decided to ask your opinion. .chto think! Can that will advise..
It can kompovaja radiation? Or. .nu I at all do not know. .ochen I hope that you can to me
To help or assist! I thank for attention! opsja! Kakie-Any at me " prikolnye sensations " on a back-))
So!! I cut down a computer, kalyhanka and to sleep!!
P. S. nachitalsja here about Zinerit - and so in my case he is powerless, poor!;)

21.08.2004, 12:44
Uv. Sergey! Has read through your "opus" and it wanted to help or assist near and another suffering this misfortune! Though full treatment I can not guarantee. My method of treatment is very simple, as all ingenious and is accessible to all. But nezasluzhenno it is forgotten. It sredstvo-ordinary potassium permanganate. It is necessary to make a strong solution (sated or saturated) and to grease any spots some times before full disappearance or eradication. Be not afraid of a discoloration of a skin (yellow), ozhega will not be as from an iodine. And yellowness quickly passes or takes place. Potassium permanganate better an iodine cauterizes. Quickly pass or take place abscesses, firm deeply sitting spots, and fine inflammations on a skin are even faster. Even large furuncles I recover, but not so bysto. The some people resolve, and others ripen also them it is necessary to squeeze out (hinge) and again prizhech potassium permanganate. Any scars does not remain. I recently "have opened" this agent and have checked up on the family. Now it is "first aid" for all my family. At me in the house first-aid set on the first place a ready solution of potassium permanganate in 200 to a jar. He does not spoil and is longly stored or kept. Any reddening morbid on a skin at once I grease with potassium permanganate it is desirable for the night. Then different eruptions itching or pruritic too vanish. Intimal parts of a body wash out bledno-a pink solution for disinfection. But not too often, t. To. Dries mucous. Do not take in head to apply a strong solution to these parts of a body!!! Even the fungus on legs or foots is afraid some potassium permanganate! Grease the amazed or struck fingernails or nails and a skin. Fingernails or nails become black, but will then be restored. At mine 10 ti the years or summer son recently have appeared pryshchiki fine, red on borodke. Whether from bathing in pool or from what that dr. Few times prizhgla and all has passed or has taken place. And a skin at it or him very gentle, simply peach and any traces from spots. I shall not write about disinfection of wounds, cuts, etc. Everyone know, that in weakly pink solution of potassium permanganate bathe newborn children all from the same pryshchikov and intertrigoes. I think, as the adult such bath will not damage or injure;hurt. Try or taste, if to that that will help or assist, I shall be very glad. But preduprezhdaju-an agent this or thus external also eliminates or erases;removes only posledstvija-spots. A principal cause of a parentage of spots, alas, does not treat also acnes too. If will not help or assist, search for other methods, it is desirable national. If at you an infection simply on a surface of a skin this method should help or assist. Do not take a great interest or be not fond him. Preparations, especially oral. Plant or put a liver and all rest. It is better treated by grasses. BUT it to YOU to solve. From your message, Sergey, obscurely what spots at you? I have in view of not on beauty, and under the maintenance or contents. I wish you the prompt recovery! SUCCESS!

22.08.2004, 14:34
Addition and specification to stated by me above. Attention! Crystals fill in with boiled water before their full dissolution. Not dissolved crystals cause deep combustions with a lesion of internal organs. For a solution I prepare approximately on "eye sight". I do not remember, how it is correct on meditsinski it or him delat-10 % or 20 %? And to esteem about this preparation there is no place. I now live far from the Native land, the Internet to use became more recently. Can experts that that will add on it or this sredstvu-a potassium permanganate. Wash a solution though also approximate, and operates or works. Thanks for attention. All of success! alyona_ladue@hotmail. com

22.08.2004, 21:32
I test! Thanks;)

23.08.2004, 06:56

23.08.2004, 09:00
Sergey, respond! You are alive?

24.08.2004, 23:34
Like it is alive! A current with potassium permanganate has already fastened;)

25.08.2004, 18:15
Really at all has not helped or assisted? How result?

27.08.2004, 00:10
Not absolutely that on which I hoped. .tochnee absolutely on the contrary! It was necessary to pass again to old rubbish! She certainly especially does not improve my pitiable position [;)] but also to worsen it or him gives nobody! And in general again I start "to hammer" on this problem!! Sometimes simply ridiculously! I remember for interest week used different chesspieces of type Zenerita... Smoked less... A healthy pancake a way of life! And the next 7 days even has never washed!) the most interesting that the result was almost identical;-) So... Even I do not know what to do or make!

28.08.2004, 09:58
During " a morning cigarette " has thought up that else cherkanut!
And in general to me I have very much carried that a pancake not Don ZHuan and not Casanova. In my position
It would be to put it mildly problematic... But I like different zhelezki. .tipa geforsa
4. .a as " intel pen 4 2000mhz " in me it is possible to inflame with such curse
The present or true animal!;-) and, that the most pleasant, zhelezki love me; =)

29.08.2004, 00:16
Sergey, do not surrender! Who struggles, that wins! I Shall dare to assume, that you that not that and not so did or made that. From your "foggy" report it turns out, that the status has worsened. I bear the responsibility that has offered. But a method in fact checked up on many people and generations and harm should not be in general any! Whether another delo-will help or assist? Guarantees did not give, in fact one is helped or assisted by one, and to another absolutely another! It is necessary to search for " the treatment ". And margantsovka-the strongest antiseptik-kills practically all infection on a skin. I do not wish to be imposed with the national methods if interests, I can pick up to you other methods of treatment. Excuse, that has not turned out to help or assist you. Very much I regret, in fact the main thing in treatment to not do much harm! Yours faithfully, Alain.

30.08.2004, 00:08
Yes no trouble!! On the contrary many thanks that try to help or assist!! And I have beaten that "deterioration" for two days old kind mazjukalkami) In general I am assured or confident on 110 % what is it not from a mud. .ja would not dare to name itself finished grjaznulej) to Me pochemu-that is pleasant to accuse a computer more... I am direct as in a song " liked and hated "! Here. .budu it is grateful if that else will advise. .rano or late thanks should help or assist) In advance!
Yours faithfully to all mankind). .sergej!

31.08.2004, 11:54
Sergey, be reserved by time and patience! From everything, that I shall offer, choose, that to you it is most of all comprehensible! preduprezhdaju-I not the doctor, simply collect national prescriptions and I share with people personal experience. Again I guarantee nothing. Some prescriptions are specific and can cause or call bewilderment. I ask to show condescension (not I have thought up) to popular wisdom. Probably your spots are what consequence or investigation that of a basic disease of an organism I (assume), be surveyed. By that the doctor has registered spirituous "talker" with a white deposit (most likely it is an antibiotic and salits. The acid) means "they" of inflammatory character. And as to "mud" so any staphilococcuses, funguses and other evil spirits lives on a skin constantly (read) and only waits for an opportunity (depression of immunity, etc.) To attack a skin. And how much not mojsja-know, does not help or assist! And even on the contrary frequent washing with soap washes off a blanket kozhy. 1. Masks from berries of Viburnum (berries razdavlivat and to put or render on a skin); 2. Long time to drink fresh juice of a neetle (or broth from dry) - hlopotno I (warn); 3. Drink broth from needles of a pine, a fur-tree (clears a blood); 4. Beer yeast (in a drugstore) - to drink; 5. Baths solevye-1, 2 kg. Usual large salt, on it or her to drop the present or true essential oil (a tea tree, fir) 10 15 drops and only then type or collect water. 6. In current 2 h months after each washing in soul (bath) the face to wipe "back" of a shirt. Then a shirt to put on itself that this place ("back" of a shirt) concerned or touched your back. Thus it is impossible to use a potato and honey in nutrition. 7. Butter or oil of a tea tree (naruzhno to apply); 8. With fresh juice chistotela to grease spots; 8. To drink medical degot-to begin with 1 drop on 1 item l. Waters, gradually to lead up to 15 drops, and then back (on a hungry stomach in the morning). Continuation follows. Good luck!