Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me on a foot and fingers of arms or hand of a papilloma. About a year naza...

29.08.2004, 12:48
At me on a foot and fingers of arms or hand of a papilloma. Approximately one year ago it tried to be treated by the laser in the center "Amiko". Has given the hugest heap of money, and result any. Tried to deduce or remove their national methods - too it is useless. The some people managed to be deduced or removed, but after a while they on the same place appear again. Besides them becomes more and more. I in despair. What to do or make?
Help or Assist!

Smirnov K.V.
30.08.2004, 02:28
Except for excision of separate educations it is necessary for you to accept the preparations strengthening immunity.

30.08.2004, 14:32
Thanks for the answer. Instead of you could name these preparations?