Просмотр полной версии : To me 23 years. Since the childhood it was observed at the dermatologist with atopicheskim a dermatitis....

19.08.2004, 09:36
To me 23 years. Since the childhood it was observed at the dermatologist with atopicheskim a dermatitis. Every year he recedes, but all is disturbed more strongly with an eczema which ONLY on ring fingers of both arms or hand, and in the summer she almost does not disturb, and in the winter - in general a nightmare, an intolerable itch, and after combing heals more weeks, and that not up to the extremity or end, and then an itch which I can not endure. I can not neither erase, nor wash utensils, even I try arms or hand not once again. Smeared Advantanom, but now he does not help or assist. Than it to treat? Whether there Is an agent which helps or assists to remove or take off quickly an itch because if to not comb, the problem almost will not be. And more - why there can be such strange localization??? Many thanks

Albanova V.I.
22.08.2004, 04:22
It is absolutely usual variant of current atopicheskogo a dermatitis. And only hormonal ointments here will not help or assist, necessarily internal treatment is necessary, come, I shall help or assist, 684 21 87.