Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. Such problem. On arms or hand, legs or foots, in areas kolenej, pojav...

21.08.2004, 04:14
The dear doctor. Such problem. On arms or hand, legs or foots, in areas kolenej, have appeared small pryshchiki. Strongly itch. You begin chisat increase or are enlarged at a rate of, leaves beztsvetnaja a liquid. Them becomes more and more. Strongly itch at night. Whether it is possible or probable what is it chisotka. And how to define or determine for certain.

Sazykina L.N.
21.08.2004, 19:04
Yes, probably. Can define or determine only vrach-the dermatologist. It is necessary to make the analysis (soskob from a skin). It can be made in our Center, ph. 684 21 87.