Просмотр полной версии : Repetition of a question! The dear doctor! Years 10 once a year, in the spring or ose...

17.08.2004, 15:27
Repetition of a question! The dear doctor! Years 10 once a year, in the spring or in the autumn, on a body, basically there where a gentle skin there are small maculae little bit towering above a skin, krasnovato-orange color. By close treating consists of the smallest tochechek. The itch and is not present an ecdysis.. These maculae longly do not pass or take place, and from water redden a little. And in eot times more usual. Anigistaminnye preparations do not help or assist. An allergy I do not suffer. One doctor has told or said pink deprive, and another orubnyj (izvenite I can not will repeat precisely) deprive. To arrive there is no opportunity. I from Tbilisi

Gamajunov B.N.
20.08.2004, 10:42
And send photos you can? Pink deprive should not so to recur, as leaves proof immunity. Otrubevidnyj deprive probably, but seasonal prevalence of occurrence is not characteristic. Probably it is a question about mnogoformnoj to an exudative erythema. At you rashes are preceded, for example, with a malaise, low temperature, a pharyngalgia, muscular pains, articulate or joint? There Are centers of a chronic infection?