Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, at the next survey of my daughter (her 2 years 7 months) the doctor...

Alexey Timofeev
19.08.2004, 20:18
The dear doctor, at the next survey of my daughter (her 2 years 7 months) the doctor has told or said, that at it or her " a contagious molluscum " (earlier we thought, what is it education on a skin - a papilloma). The doctor has told or said, what we its or his should remove mechanically (to squeeze out and cauterize an iodine, whether then to smear with ointment it is fraught with complications? Thus these or it shtukoviny are in several places.

Dermatologist K.B.C
20.08.2004, 07:47
The treatment appointed or nominated to your daughter is absolutely adequate to the exposed diagnosis.