Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Tell or say, please, that such nevrodermatit (nedejus, that pra...

17.08.2004, 22:17
Good afternoon! Tell or say, please, that such nevrodermatit (nedejus, that has correctly written). It not a psoriasis or an eczema in other words? Whether we shall cure? In advance thanks.

Smirnov K.V.
18.08.2004, 14:33
More correctly to speak - atopichesky a dermatitis. This chronic disease of a skin in which basis genetically caused predisposition to allergic reactions (on a skin) lays.

19.08.2004, 04:27
Dear Konstantin Viktorovich,
Tell or Say please, whether internal organs, in particular bronchuses both easy or light;mild can be amazed with a psoriasis, and what consequences it can cause or call?