Просмотр полной версии : I think to get or not "Mary Kej's" cosmetics, at me a problem skin, seb...

12.08.2004, 19:08
I think to get or not "Mary Kej's" cosmetics, at me a problem skin, a seborrhea, akne, the cosmetician approves or confirms pink acnes, a dermatitis (was at dermatologists, nothing has given treatment, handed over analyses, the serious reasons and has not come to light), that this cosmetics "treats" a skin, does or makes its or her normal, etc., there is a special series razrabotanaja for a problem skin as you think, whether this cosmetics can really help or assist my problem, t. To. If it is fair, my face after " dalatsinov, metrogilov, salits. Alcohol and t. d " looks or appears not only pryshchavoj, fat and angry, but also old, and to me still is not present 30 ti!

Albanova V.I.
13.08.2004, 20:42
No, will not help or assist. The cosmetics is intended for a healthy skin, for the patient there is a medical cosmetics, she is on sale in drugstores and is intended for care of a skin during treatment.