Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor. At me at very strong experience and stresa...

12.08.2004, 08:01
Hello the doctor.
I at very strong experience and stresa had white maculae extremities of arms or hand, legs or foots and on a body and as on a forehead. From it so it is not beautiful what even sometimes and to me most not on itself to be in a society. When has addressed in local hospital and to a private trader to the dermatologist that they to me have told or said such bolezen is not curable.. Most likely it vitiligo... But it is possible or probable you to me prompt as probably to treat takjju bolezen... In fact understand as not dexterously to me to be in such status in a society.. If this all was on a body... It would be possible to cover that clothes. .a here on arms or hand - is not beautifully.. Help or assist and advise that to me to do or make.
Many thanks to you for pomoshch.

Smirnov K.V.
12.08.2004, 10:12
If it vitiligo, treatment - really enough difficult problem or task. The most effective way is PUVA-therapy.