Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastujte the doctor! At me after sorts or labors on legs or foots from a knee up to a femur have appeared...

10.08.2004, 23:50
Zdrastujte the doctor! I after sorts or labors on legs or foots from a knee up to a femur had spots (only with naruzhnej the parties or sides). They change (all over again were bugorki, zatemv some places they picked or abscessed, and now as a fine eruption). Tell or say it is necessary to me to address to the doctor or this consequence of sorts or labors which in due course will pass or take place? Also what it would be possible to make that they have more quickly passed or have more quickly taken place?

Albanova V.I.
11.08.2004, 03:40
Necessarily address to the dermatologist, with sorts or labors of a direct communication most likely is not present. It is possible in our Center, 284 21 87