Просмотр полной версии : In an inguen, at the basis of a scrotum (on femurs) the skin has noticeably distinctive (...

Majors With. With.
03.08.2004, 23:10
In an inguen, at the basis of a scrotum (on femurs) the skin has noticeably distinctive (more dark, sometimes with a small erythema), a rough kind. The border separating these area of a skin from other (normal), border as though is well enough appreciable repeats a projection of a scrotum to femurs. What is it and how with it or this to struggle? Thanks!

The anonym
04.08.2004, 08:48
At you most likely the Inguinal erythrasma. I recommend external application n-ki the Iodine of 2 5 % 2 times a day within 5 7 days, then, as, 2 times a day any ointment with an antibiotic (Eritromitsinovuju, Tetratsiklinovuju, etc.) before disappearance or eradication of rashes. As urgently I recommend to wear "bokserki", instead of swimming trunks.

New settlers V.S.
05.08.2004, 13:40
Dear sir Majorov if on periphery of the center the border is designated by the platen of inflammatory character, it is necessary to exclude fungic or fungal process (laboratory) which is treated by antimicotic preparations. Simultaneously "Erythrasma" will be called in question or confirmed by detection of the bacteriemic or bacterial originator " Korinobakterija minutissimum ". If necessary call in our clinic of dermal illnesses or diseases MMA to them. Setchenov: 248 62 00. I wish health.