Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At the child (the girl of 5 years) in the past to year have put a scabies, p...

03.08.2004, 14:34
Hello! At the child (the girl of 5 years) in the past to year have put a scabies, were treated with modern preparations, but the eruption does not pass or take place within a year, blisters or blebs send or have passed to a head though the doctor has told or said, that at a scabies the area of a head is not amazed. podskazhitek to that else can address and what it can be? There can be it any allergy or something or something else? Thankful in advance for the answer.

Sazykina L.N.
03.08.2004, 18:12
Probably, that it is a question of dermal allergic disease. Can address in our Center, to doctor Albanovoj of Century or Efimovoj Century, ph. for zapisi-284 21 87.