Просмотр полной версии : After offensive or approach of the first pregnancy (6, 5 years ago) at me have appeared about...

20.07.2004, 22:45
After offensive or approach of the first pregnancy (6, 5 years ago) I had problems with a skin. On a chin and cheeks there are white convex acnes which regenerate in huge morbid spots (are very similar to small furuncles). All etor time without results I struggle: I drink courses beer yeast, vitamins, I use various agents for a problem skin, used Zineritom. But it does not bring any result. Except for that at me fingernails or nails, and not edges or territories began to exfoliate strongly, and the whole belongings, sometimes even up to the middle of a nail plate exfoliate. Any a cream and vitamins also do not help or assist. That you can advise me and to what expert it is necessary to address (in a district clinic to address is useless)

Tarasova E.A.
22.07.2004, 13:02
Homeopathic treatment well helps or assists with your case. In a homeopathy there are series of agents which concern to changes in an organism after or during pregnancy. At you obvious consequences changed gormrnalnogo a background. It is well normalized by means of a homeopathy.

The reviewer
22.07.2004, 23:13
Homeopathy - the charlatanism based or founded;established on the promise to sick people to cure of them by means of sugar globules. In a basis of a homeopathy the mystical aspiration to miracle effects pustoterapii - t lays. e., to a recovery empty (nothing containing) pills. The core and unique real effect of a homeopathy (not including perekachivanija money resources from pockets of the deceived patients in pockets of those who makes profit of them) is loss of time necessary for the present or true treatment and accordingly an appreciable aggravation of symptoms of patients.

The anonym
26.07.2004, 03:50
The reviewer March, 06th 2004 06 : 48 : 52
You speak neobosnovano and is empty.

Tarasova E.A.
27.07.2004, 11:27
Probably on your way met such gore-doctors. That you it is a pity to me and it is a pity, that you have changed opinion on this medicine and speak about her with such rage. Probably in such attitude or relation as it is covered problems of your illness. If to you or your relatives have not helped or assisted it is not necessary to judge so without grounds all and about all.