Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 28 years. At me always, even during " youthful sozrevan...

05.07.2004, 09:57
Hello! To me of 28 years. I always, even during " youthful maturing " had a pure or clean good skin, but 3 years ago I on a back had awful rashes of acnes. I struggled with them both "Skinorenom", and "Kuriozinom", and "Zineritom". For short time like all would pass or take place, but then appeared again. Did or made a hemotransfusion, but nothing helps or assists. Advise, please, where in Moscow it is possible to hand over analyses for finding-out of the reasons ugrevoj to an eruption and to pass or take place inspection and treatment. Prompt, in what, really good, clinic to address. It agree any methods of treatment

Tarasova E.A.
07.07.2004, 15:58
You can esteem on my site about the reasons akne and ways of treatment. For this purpose click on my surname, further on clauses or articles and there clause or article about akne.

Ivanov V.V.
08.07.2004, 03:39
It is necessary will meet phone to me phone in Moscow (095)
262 - 15 90 It in district of Red hiluses or I shall arrive to you.
The candidate of medical sciences
Vitaly Viktorovich Ivanov
There are ointments - a site www. severzapad. ru/ivanov